Roulette Real Spins

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Roulette is a game that requires you to guess which number/collection of numbers will appear on the roulette wheel. To decide which number/s appear, the wheel spins in one direction and a small ball is spun in the other direction by a croupier. This combination of opposing spins ensures that the croupier has no control over the outcome. Whether it hit a red number or a black one you will win. This is the simple but most effective tricks to make profit from Roulette table.

Intro to American roulette

Roulette Number Pairing: Real Spins From Hamburg Spielbank (Casino), January 2006 Written by Ion Saliu on February 4, 2006. A pairing in roulette is a roulette number AND the number drawn in the very next spin. Best Roulette Playing Strategy. Some players that do set about playing online roulette for real money from the USA will have their own tried and tested strategies for playing, but just be aware that as Roulette is a random game of chance there are no guaranteed winning systems or strategies available.

Thehistory of roulettebegins in Europe, but it arrived in America in the late 19th century. The game was popular in Louisiana and Mississippi riverboat casinos, before spreading through the United States. Today you can play American roulette at tons of online casinos, for free or real money. Although modern European roulette tables have 37 slots on the wheel, early tables had 38 thanks to two separate zero slots. This is the version that was brought to America, and is still used in American roulette today.

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American roulette rules

Therules of American rouletteare simple. An American roulette table has 38 pockets: numbers 1-36 are red/black and the two zero slots are green. You place your bets on which pocket the ball will land on, and the dealer or croupier spins the wheel. Wherever the ball settles decides if you win your bet. There are loads of interesting ways to bet too, each with different odds of winning. However, the house edge of 5.3% in American roulette never changes.

American roulette tips

There is no strategy guaranteed to make you win in roulette, but there are still ways of playing to give yourself the best shot. Here are our top tips:

Decide on your bankroll in advance

One way that players end up losing way more than they expected is from not managing their money smartly. Deciding on your budget before you hit the tables is important so you don't end up gambling more than you can afford.

Accept the house edge

With American roulette, the house always has the same edge of 5.3%, period. Once you accept this you can have fun with different types of bets and strategies, without worrying about affecting the edge.

Play for free

You canplay American roulette for free online. This is perfect for getting a feel for the game before risking your own money. The same goes for other types of roulette.

Try different types of bets

There are loads of ways to play American roulette. Play responsibly and have fun testing out differentroulette betsand finding out which ones you enjoy the most.

American roulette strategy

There are loads of interestingroulette strategies, since there are so many ways to bet. Some, like the Martingale system, are based on altering your bet size based on the result of your last bet. Others involve manipulating the odds by placing lots of bets at once.

One of the most popular ways to play American roulette was developed by Andres Martinez, the former Editor of the Los Angeles Times. Martinez' strategy involves dividing the amount of money you want to spend in one session into 35 chunks and then betting each chunk on the same number for 35 consecutive spins. It's worth noting though that over 35 spins there is a fairly risky 60.68% of winning - but if risks aren't for you, roulette is not going to be your game!

American roulette FAQs

How does American Roulette work?

The rules of American roulette are simple. Players can place a variety of bets on where the ball will finish when the roulette wheel is spun. The American roulette wheel has red and black slots for the numbers 1-36 and two green 0 slots. Some of the most popular bets include red/black, odd/even, betting on individual numbers or on one third of the numbers at a time.

Where can I play American roulette online?

American roulette is available at lots of online casinos. Our list of recommended sites has the best place to play American roulette online today.

What's the house edge?

In American roulette the house edge is 5.26%, which is how we describe the mathematical advantage the casino or house has over gamblers.

What's the RTP?

The RTP of American roulette is 94.74%. With areal money gameof chance like American roulette, we can calculate the RTP by subtracting the house edge from 100.

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Is there an American roulette winning formula?

No. American roulette is a game of chance, and the house always has a 5.3% edge. This means you are always at a slight disadvantage and there is no formula to win consistently.

How many numbers (pockets) are there in American roulette?

An American roulette wheel has 38 pockets. There are two 0 pockets and the numbers 1-36.

It all depends on the player. Betting on simply red or black is a good way for absolute beginners to try the game. If you have some experience you might prefer betting on different combinations. Lots of people even like to bet on their “lucky” numbers. In mathematical terms however, no bet is technically better than the others.

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Though the origins of roulette are not 100% defined in the history books, the very first incarnation of roulette, aka “the little wheel” was thought to be invented by a 17th century French mathematician and scientist called Blaise Pascal. He was working on a perpetual motion machine at the time, but his attempts constantly failed. What emerged from his efforts instead, was the bi-product of a spinning wheel which was based on the theory of mathematical probability. There was nothing on record about this previously, and Pascal’s discovery became widely recognized as a formula to calculate cycloids involving the rolling of wheels. It also earned him the unsanctioned title as the founder of roulette.

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Roulette Spin Results List

Fast-forward to 18th century France: roulette had spread in popularity and became a feature in many casinos; however, the game had undergone a slight makeover by that point. The zero pockets were now marked in green, as players were losing bets by betting on red or black when the zero pockets were the same color has the other pockets. By 1837, the game was banned altogether, which led to the golden era of German casino establishments in Bad Homburg. In 1843, 2 French brothers, Francois and Louis Blanc altered the game to exclude the double zero from the wheel, and this was the version which could be found in most casinos throughout Europe.

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When roulette made its way over to America, the double zero was re-introduced, which took the number of pockets up to 37. This change to the game is what made the house edge drastically increase from the current 2.70% to a whopping 5.26%. This is also the version of the game which saw many cheaters, and its layout was later redesigned and simplified to remove this possibility. Soon, it was the American version of roulette which was being played in gambling dens across the globe.

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By the 20th century, the number of legitimate casinos hadn’t quite taken off yet, and the only 2 places in the world where you could play roulette were the Monte Carlo Casino (with the single zero pocket), and Las Vegas with the American zero pocket. By the 1970s however, casinos began popping up across the globe, and even tribal gaming establishments were seen offering roulette and their variants as part of their game collections.

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By the mid-90s, when the evolution of internet-based casinos were on the rise, many online operators began offering roulette. InterCasino was recorded as the first of these to make their mark in the online gambling industry in 1996. At which point, you could play French, European or American roulette day or night, and from any location where online gaming was legal. Now, in present day, roulette and its various formats can be played for real money, from the comfort of your own home, complete with a live dealer. And it’s still considered one of the most played casino games in both land-based and online casinos throughout the entire world.

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